Immunogenetics: An Autoimmune Disorder
Immunogenetics, also known as immungenetics, is a subfield of medical immunology and genetics that studies the relationship between the immune system and genetics. Autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes, are complex genetic traits caused by immune system defects. Identification of genes defining immune defects may lead to the identification of new target genes for therapeutic approaches. Alternatively, genetic variations can aid in defining the immunological pathway that leads to disease. Immunology studies the biological and biochemical basis of the body's defence mechanisms against germs (such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi), as well as foreign agents such as biological toxins and environmental pollutants, as well as the failures and malfunctions of these defence mechanisms. Aside from these external effects on the organism, there are also defence reactions involving the body's own cells, such as in the case of cancer-related bodily reactions and the lack of a body's reaction to healthy cells in the case of immune-mediated disease. As a result, immunology is a branch of biology. A special emphasis is frequently placed on the prediction and treatment of genetically based autoimmune diseases, which include all diseases caused by an extreme immune system reaction against the body's own tissue. The immune system incorrectly recognises the body's own tissue as a foreign object to be fought. This can cause severe inflammatory reactions that can permanently damage the affected organs. Multiple sclerosis, diabetes type I, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease are examples of autoimmune diseases whose onset and/or progression can be seen in the individual genome of the organism. Multiple sclerosis, on the other hand, is not caused by a genetic variation, but the course and treatability are significantly influenced by genetic dispositions. In the twenty-first century, trait inheritance and molecular inheritance mechanisms of genes remain primary principles of genetics, but modern genetics has expanded to study gene function and behaviour. Gene structure and function, variation, and distribution are investigated in the context of the cell, the organism (e.g., dominance), and a population. Genetics has spawned numerous subfields, including molecular genetics, epigenetics, and population genetics. Organisms studied in this broad field come from all walks of life (archaea, bacteria, and eukarya). Although genes were known to exist on chromosomes, chromosomes are made up of both protein and DNA, and scientists were unsure which of the two is in charge of inheritance. Dead bacteria could transfer genetic material to "transform" other still-living bacteria.DNA has been identified as the molecule in charge of transformation. Acetabularia, a single celled alga, had established the role of the nucleus as a repository of genetic information. that DNA (rather than protein) is the genetic material of viruses that infect bacteria, proving that DNA is the molecule responsible for inheritance.
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