10 Activities to Help Children Develop a Positive Attitude


“You are what you think.”  This saying has become extremely important to me since becoming a parent as I have realized the huge impact I have on shaping my children’s perspectives on their own selves, and life in general.

The words I say to them, the confidence I help them develop, and the opportunities I offer to practice resilience can make a big difference to their long-term development.  Helping my children develop a positive attitude will contribute greatly to their emotional well-being.

Most importantly, they will learn through the behavior I model.  If I can look at any given situation with hope and respect, they will likely take on the same attitude and therefore be able to work through their challenges with forbearance and grace.

In what other ways can we teach our kids to think positively?  One simple way to start is discussing the topic of positive thinking through fun activities.  Kids love to learn through games and crafts, so it is natural that they will gain insights through discovering positive attitude through play.

A few months ago I reviewed an awesome online product called Affies4Kids.  Affies4Kids is a program full of music, online videos, and printables – each revolving around a key message to teach kids positive self-talk. You can check it out here or go straight to their youtube channel.  This is an easy introduction to having a positive attitude.

Besides enjoying the Affies4Kids songs and stories, here are 9 other activities that can spark the discussion of having a positive attitude with your kids:

Make a Wall of Love and talk about seeing the best in each other – from Coffee Cups and Crayons.

Create an Attitude Box and think about what makes you “shine” – from House of Shine.

Help kids see kindness as fun by giving Kindness Coupons – from Playtivities.

Start an Awe Journal to appreciate the amazing moments in everyday life – from The House of Hendrix.

Experience this hands-on lesson to show the kids just how big a difference kindness can make – from Pennies of Time.

Offer your children a chance to explore the concept of self-control through these Bubble Games – from Not Just Cute.

Write your own Life List to share your dreams and goals with each other – from Thinking IQ.

Help your kids work through anxiety by creating Worry Dolls together – from My Little Bookcase.

Guide your children through an activity to learn about interacting with others and Personal Space – from Confidence Meets Parenting.

How are you encouraging your children develop a positive attitude?

If you are looking for more in depth resources to encourage an optimistic outlook on life you may enjoy Harnessing the Power of Positivity, a printable workshop with a selection of activities, worksheets and craft ideas plus 30 exercises to help you develop a positive mindset.  To be used at home or in the classroom; for kids and/or adults.